TexMex Quinoa Bowl 2.5 cups low sodium veg broth1.25 cup salsa verde1.5 cups dry red quinoa2 large sweet potatoespaprikachili powder2 medium red onions1 large jalapeno, diced4 poblano peppers, diced1 red bell pepper, diced2 cloves garlic2 cans unsalted black...
Spicy Shrimp Pasta
Spicy Shrimp Pasta 2 T olive oil1.5 lb raw peeled (deveined medium shrimp)1 small yellow onion2 cloves garlic1 26 oz jar arribiata sauce8 oz whole wheat spaghetti½ c shredded mozzarella Warm olive oil in skillet. Cook shrimp in oil, flipping halfway through. Dice...
Sheet Pan Mediterranean Shrimp:
Sheet Pan Mediterranean Shrimp: 6 Roma tomatoes2 T olive oilSalt and pepper to taste3 cloves garlic (minced)2.25 lb medium shrimp (peeled & deveined)2 T lemon juice1 c crumbled feta0.5 c fresh parsley (chopped) Preheat oven to 450 degrees and line a large sheet...
Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal
Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal .5 cup old fashioned oats.5 cup 1% ultrafiltered milk.5 cup pumpkin puree1 t honey1.25 t pumpkin pie spice For Overnight OatsCombine everything in a microwaveable container and stir until evenly mixed.Store in fridge overnight.Mcirowave for 2:30 on...