The latest from the blog
Hi & welcome to my blog! This is where I’ll share everything from nutrition and lifestyle tips to debunking fad diets. I’ll also be sharing recipes created in my own kitchen. The recipes are normally super easy to make while still being delicious.
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We’re diving into dieting, dating, and drinking!! I’ll be answering all your questions about these topics with step-by-step help, just like I provide for my one-on-one clients. PLUS, you get first access to all my recipes and downloadables.
The 3 Best Self Care Tips for 2023
I’d rather talk about self care and no, not bubble baths, spa days, and kitten cuddles (but 10/10 on those too). So here we go – my 3 self care tips for 2023.
New Year, Same Me, New Goals
Since I am just as much of a human and the wonderful humans I coach, the first step to getting your shit together is setting goals. There’s plenty of ways to do this, and maybe we’ll get into all that in another post on another day, but for today let’s just talk about the ways I plan to get my shit together in 2023.

2022 Book Roundup
Y’all 150 books (and 50,000 pages) in 1 year is a HARD goal. Even with audiobooks, it’s A LOT of reading and a pretty demanding pace. Do I regret the goal?? No, absolutely not. Will I do it again in 2023.. not exactly. I will be revealing my 2023 reading goal tomorrow, but first we’ve gotta do our 2022 Book Roundup.

Bye Bye 2022.. See You Never!
It’s safe to say 2022 was not my best year. Like even a little bit. I’ve never been more excited to say goodbye to a year. But before I can say Bye Bye 2022.. a quick review?