Nutrition Intensives

Continuing to keep going at it alone while still having questions doesn’t seem like a great option. Especially when you consider how much nutrition information is available on the internet.

You could join one of the thousands of Facebook support groups out there, but those are filled with even more information.

Also, any information and advice you get in one of the groups isn’t going to be tailored to you and your unique life situation. However, we have already established that coaching isn’t a great fit for you right now either.

How many times have you said:

  • “I really like my current plan, but I’ve reached a plateau and don’t know what to do.”
  • “I’ve been seeing consistent results, but I have some questions about moving forward.”
  • “I feel like I’m on track, but I’m not 100% sure.”
  • “I’m just not ready for coaching right now.”
  • “I just have some questions and want to talk to a professional.”
  • “I don’t think coaching is for me at this time, but I want some guidance.”
  • “I can’t afford coaching right now, but I’d like to work with a dietitian.”
  • “I don’t have the time to fit coaching into my schedule right now.”
  • “There’s so much information out there, I’m not sure what’s the right move.”

I’ve heard all of these things dozens of times, and I get it. I’ve been each and every one of these people too. Making the decision to work on your relationship with food with a dietitian is one thing. But actually being in a place to invest in coaching and really having the time and emotional availability to commit to a program are entirely different requirements.

Sometimes, it’s just not the right time to start long-term coaching. That’s 100% okay and can even be a great place to be. But what are you supposed to do if you fall into any of the above categories?

It seems like the only options are to sign up for the coaching you’re not really into or keep going at it alone, confused, and overwhelmed. Neither of these are great options for you and not what you need right now. You need an option where you can talk to an expert, ask your questions, and receive personalized advice and without the time commitment of coaching.

This is exactly why I also offer nutrition intensives!

A nutrition intensive is a one-time 90-minute call with me. During the call, we will talk through your diet history, current plan, and goals. We then build a plan together with next steps for you to take to get you to your goals. You also have the opportunity to ask any and all of your questions. It’s the perfect solution for when you don’t need or want coaching right now, but still want help from an expert.

A nutrition intensive is for you if:

  • You like the plan you’re currently on but want some guidance about the future
  • You have hit a plateau and have some questions about how to break through it
  • You need help sorting through nutrition information and figuring out what’s true.
  • You feel like you’re on the right track, but you’re not 100% sure
  • You’re just not ready for coaching, but still want some help.
  • You’re independent and not looking for long-term accountability, support, and guidance

The Process:

  • Sign up & schedule your call
  • I’ll contact you to confirm and schedule payment
  • Before the call, you’ll complete a brief background questionnaire
  • Compile all the questions you want to ask.
  • After the call, I will send you a copy of my notes from the call.

If there are specific posts or articles you want me to review, they must be sent to me 48 hours before your nutrition intensive, or your call will be rescheduled.

What you need during the call:

  • Your list of questions
  • Something to take notes with

Pricing: $350

Payment plans available, but must be paid in full by time of call.